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Accounting and Reporting Methodology

We help clients with a full range of accounting and reporting tasks, including financial reporting quality improvements.

Our professionals can help you with the following:

Transition to IFRS-based financial reporting

  • Analyzing and discussing available accounting policy options and their implications (e.g., providing industry insights and technical input during the policy selection process), and developing an accounting policy under IFRS
  • Creating custom learning materials and conducting IFRS training for the client’s personnel and other stakeholders
  • Drafting IFRS accounting memos and conclusions
  • Analyzing differences between RAS and IFRS
  • Developing transformation and consolidation models, including a chart of accounts and information request forms for IFRS reporting purposes
  • Developing a book of IFRS reporting forms
  • Developing transformation methodology from RAS to IFRS
  • Developing IFRS consolidation methodology, covering in particular the reconciliation and elimination of intragroup transactions
  • Preparing primary reports under IFRS, including disclosures
  • Preparing an opening IFRS balance sheet and comparative financial information (balances, reconciliations, disclosures, etc.)

Review, development and adoption of new accounting policies, including harmonization

  • Establishing policies, policy manuals and implementation procedures
  • Establishing strong governance and controls over policies and their availability across all key areas
  • Harmonizing group-wide policies and procedures, including after business acquisitions

Analysis of accounting and reporting regulations, including new standards (RAS and IFRS)

  • Analyzing the potential effect of new or proposed accounting standards on the entity’s financial statements or financial performance
  • Analyzing potential differences between current and new accounting and reporting requirements
  • Assessing the effect that a new standard may have on current or upcoming initiatives involving systems and technologies
  • Documenting functional requirements for the automation of new accounting processes
  • Developing/updating accounting policies and other internal guidance
  • Developing new disclosures for financial statements

Accounting and reporting advice on specific accounting issues (business combinations, consolidation, etc.)

  • Analyzing the potential effect of specific accounting issues on the entity’s financial statements or financial performance
  • Developing/updating accounting policies and other guidance
  • Drafting accounting memos and conclusions on specific accounting issues
  • Preparing disclosures relating to specific accounting issues for incorporation in the client’s financial statements, annual reports, quarterly reports and other public documents

Introduction of management accounting, including costing methodology

  • Reconciling detailed cost registers with the general ledger and analyzing deviations between standard and actual costs
  • Evaluating new costing systems and models and preparing costing documentation for the client
  • Analyzing potential differences between financial and management accounting requirements
  • Making recommendations on costing systems/models, reports, chart of accounts, processes, controls, etc.