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Engineering and Project Management

B1 Engineering experts perform in-depth technological, construction, management and financial evaluations of business projects to develop and implement tailored, industry-specific solutions.

B1 Engineering group comprises world-class experts and researchers, renowned professionals from international sectoral and RAS research institutes, authors and developers of technologies, patents, intergovernmental, international and national standards.

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years of expertise in the engineering and construction market

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successfully delivered projects

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leading experts specializing in various industries


PhDs in Engineering and Applied Sciences

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innovative engineering patents

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industries served including oil and gas, mining, petrochemicals, and construction


Customized approach

An individual approach to each client or project regardless of the project’s stage or scope

Unique methodology

A unique methodology for comprehensive diagnostics and analysis, ensuring optimal outcomes at every stage of the  project lifecycle

Better performance

Enhanced market capitalization, improved investment appeal and optimized production, technological and financial key performance indicators



  • Front-End Loading (FEL) and feasibility studies
  • Critical design solutions
  • Front-end engineering design (FEED)
  • Conceptual and pilot design
  • Value engineering
  • Owner’s engineering and advisory services
  • Technical representation for investors and owners
  • Geotechnical and topographical survey management.
  • Cost engineering, control, and estimation


Comprehensive support at all project stages: from initial task definition to commissioning and optimization.


Task areas:

  • Audit of the raw material base to select the optimal beneficiation technology and process flows
  • Evaluation of mineral resources for beneficiability
  • Development of process protocols and operational standards for mineral beneficiation
  • Pilot-scale  and full-scale industrial  testing of developed beneficiation technologies
  • Evaluation of process flows for new facilities, and modernization and reconstruction of existing plants
  • Development of recommendations and criteria for equipment selection
  • Design and development of innovative beneficiation process flows, reagent schemes, and apparatuses
  • Optimization of the  operational parameters of existing beneficiation processes
  • Modernization of beneficiation plants
  • Technological optimization of process flows and equipment upgrades


Establishment and Optimization of the Project Management Office (РМО

Successful projects are driven by project managers who align with business strategies and consistently achieve key performance indicators. They make the right strategic moves with their productivity initiatives, creating new opportunities for business growth and development. 

For B1 Engineering and Project Management Group, the primary goal of the PMO is to achieve excellence and competitive edge in all project management processes, methods and policies. The PMO’s role is to determine and monitor the project’s key performance indicators.

A project management strategy is a high-level program or approach designed to plan, execute and complete a specific project within the constraints of time, resources and budget. It is aligned with the company’s business goals, competitive environment and market trends.

  • The PMO methodology includes standards, tools and methods that contribute to building a systematic approach to project management.
  • Methodological support enables the implementation of developed methodologies, performance tracking, process optimization, quality improvement, and achievement of project objectives. Methodological support facilitates integration of best practices into project management.
    • Development of PMO processes focuses on establishing standardized procedures to ensure effective project management.
    • Implementation of PMO processes involves a set of activities to create and optimize the project management system by integrating the developed project management processes.


  • Establishing an Enterprise Project Management Office (EPMO) involves a number of activities to create a structure that ensures strategic management of the project portfolio. This includes building a team, defining responsibilities and developing an organizational model and technical infrastructure to support project management.
  • The ЕРМО methodology integrates a range of principles, approaches, methods and tools to manage the project portfolio, and establishes standards, assessment criteria, priorities and methods for monitoring project implementation.
  • Methodological support of the EPMO involves provision of methodological materials, including standards, document templates, recommendations and training courses, to enhance project portfolio management effectiveness.
    • Development of EPMO processes involves designing and documenting standard processes required to manage the project portfolio lifecycle, including planning, monitoring, change management and performance assessment.
    • Implementation of EPMO processes involves practical execution of the developed processes, including employee training, configuration of automation tools and adaptation of processes to current business conditions.
  • Development of a project management strategy involves using project and business management methodologies, frameworks and strategies to create a concept of how a project can contribute to the company’s competencies and help it make a breakthrough.
  • Implementation of the project management strategy involves executing the approved strategy, including process adaptation, communication with project stakeholders, configuration of management tools and plan monitoring.
  • Revision of the project management strategy is a modification of the initial strategy based on an analysis of current progress and changes in the external environment or new data to achieve project goals.
  • Lessons learned are experiences gained and documented as a result of project implementation, including identified issues, success cases and recommendations for the future, which can improve management processes.
  • The construction management methodology (project management, 1C) is a set of approaches, procedures and tools integrated into project management systems, including the 1C platform, to ensure effective planning, monitoring and control during construction projects.
    • Development of a seamless workflow involves creating an integrated activity list that prevents duplication and gaps to ensure consistent task fulfillment without delays and conflicts.
    • Development of procedures, policies, regulations and processes involves drafting regulatory documents that establish rules and standards for task fulfillment, stakeholder communication and decision-making within a project or project portfolio.


  • Schedule management is a comprehensive process designed to optimize planning and execution. It includes developing and maintaining the project schedule, tracking changes and their impact, and monitoring key stages, milestones, and critical tasks to ensure on-time delivery.
  • Budget management spans all project stages and involves budget development and review, cost optimization, monitoring project closeout, and reviewing KS-2 and KS-3 forms to ensure financial accuracy and compliance.
  • Communications management involves developing a communication strategy, preparing a project management plan, facilitating and coordinating meetings, and creating a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (e.g., RACI) to define roles and responsibilities. Risk management
  • Risk identification is a structured process for identifying and  analyzing and documenting project risks and their characteristics.
    • A risk map is a convenient and effective way of visualizing identified project risks. This includes identifying and assessing risks, visualizing them with the help of a risk map and designing responses to potential risks.
    • Risk mitigation involves defining identified risks, analyzing dependencies, formulating mitigation strategies, and continuously monitoring and controlling their implementation.
  • Change management includes developing change management procedures, analyzing the impact of changes on the budget and project timeline, and performing a post-project review of identified changes.
  • Document management is a way to analyze and assess a company’s current document flow, identify weaknesses and regulate the process, primarily aiming to systematize the document flow and mitigate financial risks.
  • Procurement management includes developing a procurement strategy, scheduling tenders and purchases, and analyzing technical and commercial proposals to select counterparties with required qualifications.
  • Contract management includes preparing Terms of Reference (ToR) and contract forms, monitoring and confirming payments, and supporting negotiations to change contractual terms and conditions.
  • Supplier management helps automate communication with suppliers, make the process transparent and reduce management risks.
  • Digital project management includes developing a BIM strategy and embedding it, together with related procedures, into the client’s existing processes. We offer an in-depth analysis of the client’s existing approaches and a review of BIM best practices and methodologies.
  • Reporting involves a thorough assessment and validation of project documentation to ensure accuracy, completeness, and adherence to industry standards and regulatory requirements.


  • Quality management ensures compliance with stated requirements and encompasses four key components: planning, assurance, control, and improvement. It focuses on both the quality of the product or service and the processes and systems enabling its achievement.
  • A quality management system (QMS) is an integrated framework of business processes designed to consistently meet customer requirements and optimize satisfaction. It aligns with the organization’s purpose and strategic objectives. It embraces organizational goals and aspirations, policies, processes, documented information and resources needed to implement and maintain it.
  • Construction oversight refers to quality control which focuses on reviewing the work performed for compliance with technical documentation (project documentation, detailed design documentation and supplier documentation), applicable technical regulations, engineering survey results and requirements applicable to a particular capital facility. Construction oversight ensures subsequent safe operation of capital facilities and high quality of work.


  • Estimation of capital expenditure is a comprehensive analysis of capital investments at each stage of project implementation. It includes making cost estimates, assessing financial risks and agreeing the budget, taking into account market conditions and asset specifics.
  • Cost-to-complete is an estimate of remaining expenditures needed to finalize a project, factoring in current progress and anticipated changes. It helps detect budget deviations and implement corrective measures to mitigate financial risks.
  • A cost audit is aimed to test the reasonableness and accuracy of all project expenses. It includes analyzing documents, reviewing compliance with budget limits and monitoring the intended use of funds to avoid cost overruns.
  • A detailed work breakdown structure (WBS) is a work planning tool which breaks a project into manageable components. It facilitates optimal resource allocation, progress monitoring and accurate timeline estimation.
  • Cost engineering involves optimizing project solutions to minimize the cost of construction and operation. It includes an analysis of alternative materials and technologies to enhance performance and reduce expenses.
  • Project schedule analysis refers to assessing the project’s current status and timelines, including identification of potential deviations. It helps promptly address delays, adjust the plan and mitigate the risk of not meeting the deadlines.
  • Project schedule development refers to preparing a detailed plan covering all project stages and indicating timelines, resources and responsible persons. The schedule includes milestones and facilitates timely fulfillment of all tasks.


  • Facility management entails the integrated oversight of buildings and structures, encompassing technical condition monitoring, utility system servicing, and ensuring optimal operational conditions for users.
  • An audit of operating costs is a detailed analysis of all current property maintenance and operation expenses. It helps identify inefficient cost items and develop optimization measures to reduce total expenditure.
  • An audit of service contracts is a review of contractual terms for compliance with the client’s requirements and market standards. It includes an analysis of service quality, deadlines and fees.
  • An analysis of the service market is a study of offers on the property management and servicing market. It helps select the best service providers based on their prices, reputation and work quality.
  • An operational strategy is a long-term property management plan. It covers selecting optimal service methods, planning preventive maintenance and repairs, and defining measures to improve energy efficiency and reduce operational expenses.


  • A CAPEX audit involves evaluating capital expenditures, reviewing work scopes outlined in construction contracts, validating cost estimates, and reconciling them with closing documentation.
  • An OPEX audit includes an analysis of operational expenses to verify the relevance and sufficiency of work performed, a review of the largest cost items against the market, and an assessment of the potential risk of operational budget overruns.
  • Technical due diligence entails evaluating constructed properties for compliance with initial permits, conducting visual and instrumental inspections of structures and utility systems, identifying defects, and providing actionable recommendations for remediation.
  • Supplier management refers to analyzing current relationships across ongoing construction contracts, employee qualifications, use of supplier management systems, and existing responsibility assignment and work monitoring regulations. It also includes assistance in optimizing and/or creating procedures for communication with suppliers, and monitoring the work of procurement departments.
  • An audit of the financial model (capital and operating expenditure) is an analysis of current capital and operating expenditure inputs for consistency with actual technical and market indicators.
  • A technology and cost audit is an audit of an investment project at the design stage to analyze its feasibility and impact on the client’s performance.
  • A financial and technical audit is a one-time financial and technical evaluation of a project to objectively assess its current progress.
  • A visual technical inspection includes a visual examination and photographic documentation of the condition of the main load-bearing and enclosing structures and utility systems, an analysis of potential risks inherent in subsequent sale and/or operation of properties and an aggregate estimation of costs for their potential restoration.
  • A detailed technical inspection includes a visual comprehensive inspection of the main load-bearing and enclosing structures and utility systems, an analysis of the property for compliance with project and operational documentation, an analysis of potential risks inherent in subsequent sale and/or operation of properties and an aggregate estimation of costs for their potential restoration.
  • An instrumental technical inspection includes a visual and instrumental inspection (using destructive and non-destructive testing methods) of the main load-bearing and enclosing structures and utility systems, an analysis of potential risks inherent in subsequent sale and/or operation of properties and an aggregate estimation of costs for their potential restoration.
  • An estimation of construction and assembly costs involves analyzing planned capital expenditures to assess their optimization potential, comparing them with market levels, and verifying calculations.



3–6 February 2025Cape Town, South AfricaMining Indaba 2025 Conference
3–7 February 2025Moscow, RussiaInternational Scientific Symposium “Miner’s Week 2025”
19–21 February 2025Ufa, RussiaUralstroyindustry International Forum and Expo 2025
25–27 February 2025Tashkent, UzbekistanBuildTech 2025
26 February – 1 March 2025Krasnodar, RussiaYugBuild-2025
11–14 March 2025Moscow, RussiaVI Russian Construction Week 2025
12–14 March 2025Krasnoyarsk, RussiaInternational Conference and Exhibition “TECH MINING SIBERIA”
12–14 March 2025Krasnoyarsk, RussiaSpecialized Exibiton “Construction. Architecture. Design”
27 March 2025 Ekaterinburg, RussiaVII International Metallurgical Summit “Metals and Alloys”
26–27 March 2025Irkutsk, Russia5th Anniversary Professional Conference “Mining of Russia and CIS: Construction and Modernization”
26–28 March 2025Beijing, China25th China International Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology and Equipment Exhibition
26–28 March 2025Beijing, China15th Beijing International Shale Gas Technology and Equipment Exhibition
27 March 2025Hotel Continental, Moscow, RussiaNeftegazsnab-2025 Conference
1-4 April 2025 Moscow, RussiaMosBuild-2025
2–3 April 2025Moscow, RussiaLNG Congress Russia 2025
2–4 April 2025 (the date can be postponed)Atyrau, KazakhstanAtyrau Oil & Gas 2025
2–4 April 2025Tashkent, Uzbekistan15th International Exhibition “UzMiningExpo-2025 – Technologies and Equipment for the Mining Industry”
7–8 April 2025Gaborone, BotswanaаBotswana Mining & Energy Conference and Exhibition
10 April 2025Moscow, RussiaForum “Mining Industry. Investment Projects and Support Measures”
14–17 April 2025Moscow, RussiaNeftegaz-2025 Exhibition
14–18 April 2025Moscow, RussiaSpecialized National Oil & Gas Forum 2025  
15–17 April 2025Moscow, RussiaNatMallExpo-2025
15–17 April 2025St. Petersburg, RussiaInterStroyExpo-2025
17–19 April 2025Ulaanbaatar, MongoliaMongolia Mining Expo 2025
23–25 April 2025Moscow, RussiaMiningWorld Russia 2025 Exhibition
24 April 2025Moscow, RussiaXIV Conference “Oil & Gas Industry Construction” (Neftegazstroy-2025)
28–30 April 2025Tashkent, UzbekistanINNOPROM-2025, Central Asian International Industrial Exhibition
13–15 May 2025Tashkent, UzbekistanExhibition and Conference “Oil & Gas of Uzbekistan – OGU 2025”
14–15 May 2025Astana, Kazakhstan3rd International Congress and Exhibition “Mining Congress of Kazakhstan”
19–23 May 2025Beijing, China29th World Gas Conference (WGC2025)
20–23 May 2025Ufa, RussiaRussian Petrochemical Forum “Gas. Oil. Technologies”
26–29 May 2025Moscow, RussiaMetalloobrabotka-2025 International Exhibition
27–29 May 2025Moscow, RussiaHEAT & ELECTRO
27–29 May 2025Pavlodar, KazakhstanKazInterPower-2025
13th International Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for Energy and Electrical Engineering
29 May 2025Moscow, RussiaXV Conference “Modernization of Oil & Gas Refining Facilities” (Neftegazopererabotka-2025)
3–5 June 2025Baku, Azerbaijan30th Anniversary International Caspian Oil & Gas Exhibition
3–5 June 2025Yantai, ChinaYantai Internationa Nuclear Power Industry and Equipment Expo 2025
5–6 June 2025Astana, Kazakhstan15th International Congress "Astana Mining & Metallurgy" 
18–21 June 2025St. Petersburg, RussiaSt. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF)
Date to be determinedSt. Petersburg, RussiaSt. Petersburg International Gas Forum (SPIGF)
7–10 July 2025Ekaterinburg, RussiaINNOPROM-2025, International Industrial and Technological Exhibition and Forum
31 July–1 August 2025St. Petersburg, Russia8th Conference “Technological Development and Import Substitution in the Energy Sector 2025”
September 2025 (date to be determined)Minsk, BelarusINNOPROM-2025, Belarus International Industrial and Technological Exhibition and Forum
2–4 September 2025New Delhi, IndiaPower-Gen India 2025
3–6 September 2025Vladivostok, RussiaEastern Economic Forum 
9–11 September 2025Perm, Russia26th Interregional Exhibition and Forum “Oil & Gas, Chemicals. Energy Sector 2025”
15–18 September 2025Tyumen, RussiaTNF 2025 Industrial and Energy Forum
17–19 September 2025Almaty, KazakhstanMining and Metals Central Asia 2025, Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition
1–3 October 2025 Ufa, RussiaRussian Energy Forum 2025
14–17 October 2025Minsk, BelarusXXVIII Belorusian Energy and Ecology Forum “EnergyExpo-2025”
15–17 October 2025Moscow, RussiaRussian Energy Week. Forum and Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for the Energy Sector
21–23 October 2025 Tashkent, UzbekistanUzEnergyExpo-2025
22–24 October 2025 Ekaterinburg, RussiaInternational Exhibition of Mining Equipment and Technologies and Mining Forum
28–29 October 2025Dushanbe, Tajikistan2nd International Investment Mining and Metallurgical Forum and Exhibition of Tajikistan
28–30 October 2025Tashkent, Uzbekistan19th International Exhibition on Mining, Metallurgy and Metalworking – MiningMetals Uzbekistan 2025, Uzexpocenter NEC
30 October 2025Moscow, RussiaXIX Conference “Oil & Gas Field Services in Russia” (Neftegazservis-2025)
19–20 November 2025Moscow, Russia3rd International Forum and Exhibition “Non-Ferrous Metals of Russia and CIS: Mining, Construction and Modernization of Plants”
3–4 December 2025Tashkent, Uzbekistan4th International Congress and Exhibition “Mining of Uzbekistan and Central Asia”


30 September–2 October 2026Almaty, KazakhstanKIOGE 2026 Exhibition and Conference
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